Google Ads Agency

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Search Ads – PPC

Search Ads are shown when someone is searching for a keyword. It is commonly known as PPC.

Display Network – GDN

Display ads are the visual ads on ad-supported sites. You can publish your visual ads on all websites in the display network.

Shopping Ads

Shopping ads appear at the top of the search results page when searching for a product, which allow to compare products and prices.

Video Ads

It is an advertising model for interacting with customers in YouTube and video partner sites. These can be masthead, bumper, TrueView models.

Application Ads

Universal app ads are the most suitable campaign model for promoting apps. You have the opportunity to reach maximum users with UAC.

Why Acroas?

Acroas is a Google Ads Agency that Drives Your Business to Success.

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    What is Google Ads – PPC?

    Search engine ads are often referred to as Google Ads. These ads are also known as paid calls or PPC. There are many different advertising models, especially search ads and display ads.

    Why is Google Ads – PPC Important?

    The impact of digital marketing is increasing day by day. Google Ads investments are an important method to strengthen your presence in search engines. Investing in Google Ads ads is effective for increasing your business awareness and sales.

    Search Ads

    Search Ads are shown when someone is searching for a keyword. Search ads appear above and below search results as users search for products and services. The keywords are ranked by auction. Advertisers bid on their keywords by setting the maximum CPC (cost per click) they are willing to pay for a click. This maximum bid, together with the quality determines the position of the ads in the search results.

    Shopping Ads

    Shopping ads appear at the top of the search results page when searching for a product. Shopping ads consist of an image, a price, and a website URL. Shopping ads allow people to visually compare products before they click on any website. All e-commerce sites can benefit from shopping ads. Businesses can earn better revenue on shopping ads than other e-commerce ads.

    Display Ads

    Display ads are the visual banner ads you see on ad-supported sites. It’s a common misconception that the Google display network only gives you the option to show you image ads. In fact, the Google display network allows you to advertise with text ads, animated image ads, rich media and video ads. With display ads, you can use different methods such as placement targeting, content targeting, topic targeting or remarketing.

    Video Ads

    It is an advertising model for interacting with customers in different ways on YouTube and video partner sites. Video ads are an effective option for communicating with potential customers. In video ads, demographic targeting, interest, keyword targeting, and topic targeting can be done. Video ads appear just before YouTube videos, in YouTube search results and on Google display networks.

    Universal App Campaigns

    Universal app ads are the most suitable campaign model for promoting apps. You get the opportunity to reach maximum users without any targeting for universal app campaigns. Universal App Campaigns (UAC) help you find new users on millions of websites and apps on Google’s Google Play, Search, YouTube, Gmail and Google display network.

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